I. Application from abroad
1. Application
The applicant’s proxy who resides in Japan must submit the application form and other required documents along with the application fee of 20,000 in person. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applicants without a proxy must submit the required documents by post and pay the application fee into the academy’s designated bank account.
Bank: Kyoto Shinkin Bank Shugakuin Branch (Branch Code 027)
Account No.: Current Account 0011480
Account Holder’s Name: RAKUHOKU GAKUEN
Toshimasa Iwamoto
2. Screening is based on the interview of the applicant or the applicant’s proxy as well as the review of application documents. For successful applicants, our academy will apply for Certificate of Eligibility to the Immigration Bureau. Screening at the Immigration Bureau will take time.
3. Issue of Certificate of Eligibility
After the screening, the applicant or the applicant’s proxy will be notified of the result. If the applicant’s entry to Japan is permitted, the Certificate of Eligibility is issued to our academy.
* Those who are admitted to a university, graduate school or vocational school after completing the Japanese language school can renew their visa within Japan.
4. Payment of fees
The successful applicant must pay the prescribed fees (admission fee, tuition and course materials fee) by the deadline. After confirming the payment, we will send the Letter of Admission and the Certificate of Eligibility to the applicant. In the case of sending these to the applicant’s proxy, it is the proxy’s responsibility to forward them to the applicant.
5. Visa application
The successful applicant must bring the Letter of Admission and the Certificate of Eligibility to the Japanese embassy or consulate in their home country to apply for a visa. As the Certificate of Eligibility is valid for three months from the date of issue, please complete the procedure as soon as possible.
6. Class placement test (written examination)
After obtaining a visa, the successful applicant must come to Japan to take the class placement test.
7. Entrance Ceremony and Orientation
The student and the student’s proxy or sponsor should attend.
II. Application within Japan (those who already have a status of residence in Japan, applicants with a job, applicants for a short course)
1. The applicant must submit the application form and other required documents along with the examination fee of \21,000 in person. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Those who submit the documents by post must pay the application fee into the designated bank account above.
2. Screening Method
Screening is based on the interview of the applicant and the review of application documents.
3. Payment of fees
Successful applicants must pay the fees (admission fee, tuition and course materials fee) by the prescribed deadline. Those who need to change their status of residence should apply for the change of status of residence at the Immigration Bureau after paying the fees and send us the copy of the relevant document after the change of status.
4. Class placement test (written examination)
Attendance to the class placement test is compulsory.
5. Entrance Ceremony and Orientation
Attendance is compulsory.
III. Required application documents
* A Japanese translation must be attached to documents issued in a language other than Japanese. The translation must have the signature and seal of the translator.
1. Documents regarding the applicant
(1) Application Form
・ Must be handwritten by the applicant.
・ Paste a photograph with the applicant’s name and nationality on the back side.
(Application form without a photograph cannot be accepted)
(2) Certificate of Graduation issued by the school that the applicant last attended
・ Original copy of diploma (returned after screening) or a Certificate of Graduation issued by the school (not returned)
・ Certificate of Enrollment and Certificate of Expected Graduation in the case the applicant is currently enrolled at a university etc.
(3) Certificate of Employment or Certificate of Resignation
・ Certificate issued by the employer, with its official seal
(4) Certificate of Japanese proficiency
・ Those who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test should submit a copy of its certificate
・ Those who have taken but have not passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test should submit a copy of their test voucher
(5) Health Certificate
・ Certificate of health examination taken within the last three months
(6) Seven photographs
・ 4cm×3cm
・ Full front face, without hat, taken within the last three months
・ All seven photographs must be identical and the applicant’s name and nationality must be written on the back side. Paste one of them on the application form.
(7) Passport
・ photocopies of all pages
2. Documents regarding the sponsor
I In the case the expenses are paid by the applicant
(1) Balance statement of the bank account in the name of the applicant (with a certificate of annual income)
(2) Certificate of Scholarship that indicates the amount and the period of payment
II In the case the expenses are paid by the applicant’s sponsor (remittance from the applicant’s home country)
(1) Statement of Expenses Payment: Describe the monthly amount to be paid and the method of payment in detail (to be written by the remitter)
(2) Certificate of Employment of the remitter: certificate issued by the employer with its official seal
(3) Certificate of Annual Income (Tax Payment) of the remitter: certificate that is issued by a public institution and indicates the gross annual income
(4) Balance statement of the bank account in the name of the remitter: Chinese citizens must submit a balance statement of a foreign currency deposit account.
(5) Document certifying the relationship between the remitter and the applicant
・In the case the remitter is a relative: a document certifying the relationship with the applicant, such as a copy of family register (that has the names of all members of the family), resident card, birth certificate etc.
・In the case the remitter is not a relative: an official document describing the remitter’s relationship with the applicant in detail
・Chinese citizens must submit a certificate of kinship.
* Please note that documents other than the above may be required in some cases.
III In the case the expenses are paid by the applicant’s sponsor (in the case the sponsor resides in Japan)
(1) Statement of Expenses Payment: Describe the monthly amount to be paid and the method of payment in detail (to be written by the sponsor)
(2) Certificate of Occupation of the sponsor
One of the following is required.
・ Certificate of Employment
・ Copy of Company Register (in the case the sponsor is the head or executive officer of a company)
・ Business License (indicating the name of the shop, owner and address)
・ Trading Certificate (indicating the name of the shop, owner and address)
(3) Certificate of Annual Income (Tax Payment) of the sponsor
One of the following is required.
・ Tax Payment Certificate (indicating the gross annual income)
・ Tax Certificate
・ Copy of Tax Return (with the official seal of the tax office)
・ Withholding record
(4) Seal Registration Certificate of the sponsor
Please use the same registered seal for all documents regarding the sponsor.
(5) Resident Card of the sponsor: must indicate the names and relationships of all members of the household.
※ Application will not be accepted in the following cases.
・ The applicant does not meet the qualifications.
・ The applicant failed to submit the complete required documents during the application period.
・ The relationship between the applicant and the sponsor is deemed unclear or insufficient.
・ The sponsor is deemed not to have sufficient financial ability.
・ Any false statements are found in the submitted documents.
Application for Certificate of Eligibility
Fill in as much as you can on part 1 to 3 for applicant.